About Us
Welcome To Midle East hospital
Middle East hospital is one of the finest hospitals in Alexandria Located in Smouha area to provide the best care and excellent medical care for alexandrian people, Thanks to the material and human potentials and it's high technology medical equipments and a medical team of the highest level of competence and experience, as well as senior consultants from Faculty of Medicine of alexandria , We offer a very high quality of service.
Our Core Values
- Patient-Centered Care
- Safety
- Respect
- Confidentiality
- Excellence
Chairman and Board Members
The Board of Directors is the principal decision making body of our hospital, and is directly involved in the day to day running of the hospital, it is made up of a Chairman, Chief executive officer, executive directors and non executive directors.
Chairman Message
Middle East hospital is one of the finest hospitals in Alexandria Located in Smouha area to provide the best care and excellent medical care for alexandrian people, Thanks to the material and human potentials and it's high technology medical equipments and a medical team of the highest level of competence and experience, as well as senior consultants from Faculty of Medicine of alexandria , We offer a very high quality of service.
Dr. Tarek tabozada, Chairman